Auto accidents happen without warning. The sudden, unforeseen impact can leave the driver with physical injuries that can take months or years to heal — or they may never heal completely. It is for times like these that most people look to their insurance coverage to provide them with financial support and peace of mind. They seek to know they will have income to take care of themselves and will have access to the medical care that will ensure the best possible recovery.
Clonfero Law Firm is committed to helping injured people. An auto accident can leave a person in shock, unable to work and with major medical challenges. As a result, these individuals are very vulnerable after a car crash. Our lawyers in Toronto make seamless the transition from hospital to home, working to ensure everyone involved, from doctors to family members, have the information they need to provide support and care. Throughout, our team remains hands-on with each client, helping to ensure the patient is able to access the therapy and treatment the doctors recommend.
Full-Service Auto Accident Representation
Car accidents of all types can cause broken bones, fractures, whiplash, brain injuries and spinal cord impairment. Our team has attended to clients who have experienced a wide range of devastation, in accidents that include:
In every case, we listen to our clients. We hear their concerns and then recommend legal steps we can take to meet their needs. Although our experience is vast, we never presume to know what our clients are going through. When they trust us to speak for them, we act with integrity on their behalf.
Contact Us
If you are in hospital following an accident, do not hesitate to give us a call. We can meet you at your place of care or at your home after your discharge. To make a free appointment, call us at 416-703-2077 in Toronto or 1-416-703-2077 toll free in Ontario or send us an email through this site. We are paid for our services on contingency, which means you do not have to pay us any fees until you receive compensation.