A serious spinal cord injury may be readily apparent. If a person cannot move his or her legs, for example, there could be instant paralysis. This can happen after collisions in high-contact sports, car accidents, and other such situations.
However, not all injuries are obvious. It’s very important for people to know what signs to look for, especially if trying to help someone who has been hurt. Moving the person in certain ways and without proper equipment may make the injury worse. Signs to look out for include:
— Difficulty walking; even someone who can walk, but who has trouble doing it, could have an injury– A lack of control over the bowels or bladder– The inability to move extremities, like the legs and arms Sometimes, even limited mobility can be a sign of an injury, without complete paralysis.– A numb feeling in these extremities– A tingling feeling, similar to when an arm or leg has “fallen asleep”– Unconsciousness and lack of response– A headache, especially one that will not go away– General stiffness in the neck or back– Pain in the neck and back– Any of the common signs of shock, such as an inability to communicate– Holding the head at a strange or unnatural position
It’s also important to note that, while many people with injuries will show these signs and symptoms, someone could seem fine at the moment and still have a serious injury, which is why being checked out by medical professionals—and being careful when moving the person—is so important.
Those who have been injured may be able to seek compensation in the Greater Toronto Area.
Source: Healthline, “What Are Some Signs of a Spinal Cord Injury?,” accessed Dec. 04, 2015